I passed the ACVPM specialty board exam! Read on for everything you need to know about studying for and passing it yourself.
Read about the wide variety of options for veterinarians and vet students to spend a year abroad with funding through the Fulbright programs.
Here are five resources that will help you begin to learn about the employment options as a veterinarian with the federal government.
Learn about this unique opportunity to win up to $50,000 while also guaranteeing yourself a unique job working on the big issues of animal & public health.
Read about my recent preparations to take the board certification exam to become a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine.
This is the 3rd article in a series describing my experiences as an Army veterinarian. Learn about how I made my final decision to accept the HPSP scholarship and about my commissioning ceremony.
Read on to learn about a number of fully funded programs for graduate study at top-notch universities in the United Kingdom.
Learn all about my experiences applying for the HPSP scholarship.
Learn about an opportunity to get paid for pursuing a graduate degree on wildlife and public health.
Learn about a unique semester study program in applied conservation biology that will be a great addition to both your vet school application and your life.